Wellness Treatment
Oxygen as a single atom is deficient in electrons. OZone therapy strengthens erythrocyte function, increases the anti-oxidative capacity and increases amount of oxygen in the body which therefore activates cell regeneration.
Ozone therapy consists of the introduction of ozone into the body via various methods, usually involving its mixture with various gases and liquids before injection, with potential routes including the intramuscular (in a muscle), subcutaneously (under the skin), or intravenously (directly into veins). OZone can also be introduced via autohemotherapy, in which blood is drawn from the patient, exposed to OZone and re-injected into the patient.
Intravenous OZone therapy
is a natural, safe and effective way to oxygenate cells.
Helps detoxification
Enhances blood circulation
Strengthens immune system
If you suffer from one of these conditions…
OZone Therapy may benefit you.
Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you at The Ivy Clinic!
Chronic Pain
Weak Immune Sytem
Low Energy Levels
Bad Quality Sleep
Poor Blood Circulation
Weak Circulation